Thursday, October 2, 2008

crispness in the air

There is such a freshness in the air. I would love to say that I love the fall weather but I love spring time more. The fall season has such a crispness in the air. I never want to get up because it is cold and then you have to wear layers because it still gets warm in the afternoon but then in the evening it gets to be chilly again. I feel like I have to pack a bag full of clothes when I leave my house just so I can be comfortable all day. I am sure this is boring you.

As I was thinking about the change of the season and how our life changes in stages like the seasons do. Sometimes change is good and sometimes it can be bad. I know that any change in God's will for my life will be for the good; however, it is it is pretty hard sometimes to discern that voice.

I can't wait to see the leaves start to change colors and all. I think it is just a picture from God to show us how changes can be.

What is God doing in your life ?

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