Saturday, July 28, 2012

And it is over!!!

Summer 2012 has flown by since school is going back so early this year. Our summer camp schedule at church was packed quite full..... In June we had Play and Praise Camp and Arts Extravaganza Camp which were back to back  and we had a great time at both. We ended our 2 weeks with a Family Worship Night which went great! Pictures will come later...

Then it was already July and the week of the 4th. The following week we took 5 kids to Camp Kid Jam in Winston. We had a great time and the Lord provided the perfect weather for us.  Once I came back from that camp it was full swing ahead for VBS. And this past Thursday, we had our finale for VBS at the Park. The highest total we had during VBS was 393 including all the kids and leaders and volunteers.

Now I know it has been a busy summer and it leads me to being worn out and sleep deprived but I would not trade it for anything because I love seeing all the kids having a great time and learning more about our AWESOME GOD!

Now I am starting off some vacation time with my hubby.... which it has been almost a year and 1/2 since we have been on a vacation.  I plan on catching up on that much needed rest!!!